The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
New This Week at the Market
New This Week at the Market
A Once A Year Special Culinary Treat — Garlic Scapes!!
Never heard of a garlic scape?? You do not know what you are missing. These thin, curly, vibrantly green stalks come into season in the late spring and early summer. Garlic scapes are the stalks that grow from the bulbs of hardneck garlic plants. The scapes taste mild and sweet, like chives or scallions, but with a hint of unmistakable garlicky flavor that’s softer than its bulbous counterpart. They’ll keep for weeks in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
The very last of Green"er" Acres Farm asparagus for this year.
Only 3 half pound bunches remain. Order early,they go fast!
Plantain Healing Salve
Plantain, the common backyard plant/weed, not the relative of the banana, has been used as a healing skin remedy a far back as the Native Americans. Plantain is considered helpful for: bee/wasp stings, spider bites, mosquito and other bug bites, poison ivy/poison oak/sumac,eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, diaper rash, and even pet’s “hot spots” Our plantain leaves are harvested from lawns not treated with chemicals
The very first of our strawberries. Unsprayed, picked when ripe, not partially green like those that were shipped in from out of state. Limited quantities. Please only one per household to allow everyone to enjoy the first of our local strawberries.
And don’t forget all of our other delicious items